The Clinical Congress Session Showcase aims to highlight select panel sessions presented at Clinical Congress 2024. These sessions were hand-selected by the Clinical Congress Program Committee and will offer a fresh perspective on the most popular panel sessions at Clinical Congress.
We hope that this series will provide another avenue for participants who were unable to attend Clinical Congress 2024 to advance their surgical knowledge through live interaction with the faculty. Attendees will be able to claim CME credit after completing the coursework and course evaluation.
Available on-demand through April 30, 2025
This session informs surgeons with tips and tricks to manage common surgical problems faced in abdominal wall reconstruction (AWR), to examine in-depth open and minimally invasive approaches along with strategies to perform culturally competent care. In addition, the data supporting the impact of AWR on improving abdominal core health is reviewed along with the role of targeted core physical therapy and tips on AWR coding.
Available on-demand through May 20, 2025
The treatment of appendicitis has changed dramatically over the past decade. Appendectomy, once done open, now done via minimally invasive techniques, has historically been the gold standard treatment of appendicitis. Non-surgical approach of acute appendicitis with antibiotics has recently become part of our treatment options. How are the clinical outcomes and results of antibiotics therapy holding up as observations now extend to more years than previously reported? Is there any reversion to appendectomy? What is the current best therapy for uncomplicated and complicated appendicitis? What does the future hold? This session will cover advances and changes in the modern management of appendicitis.