The Central Lines Home Skills Kit supports patients with materials to practice the skills needed for management of their central lines.
You are an important member of the surgical team. We want to help prepare you and your family for full participation and the best recovery. The American College of Surgeons (·¬ÇÑÉçÇøapp) Central Lines Home Skills booklet was developed by members of your surgical team. This program will walk you through understanding your central line (CVAD), skills to manage your central line, problem solving, and home management tips as well as other resources.
September 19, 2016
What is a CVAD?; Who needs a CVAD?; Understanding Your Circulatory System; Common Types of CVAD’s; CVAD Insertion; CVAD Equipment
Blockage of the CVAD; Blood Clot; Infection; Catheter Tip Movement or Accidental Removal; Catheter Breaks; Air in the Line
Bathing; Activity and Exercise; Returning to Work; Traveling; Dressing; Antibiotics and Dental Procedures
Guidelines for parenteral and enteral nutrition therapy and home nutrition support
Tools, support, and online resources for professionals and families